Liberal & Democratic Leads
Political Fundraising Lists’s liberal and democratic leads list offerings consist of political constituents whose ideology most closely represents that of the Democratic Party. They include both donors and voters who offer their insightful support to various candidates and causes.
The Democratic Party highlights the following guiding principles:
- Keeping our nation safe.
- Expanding opportunity for every American.
- Emphasizing strong economic growth.
- Affordable health care for all Americans.
- Retirement security.
- Open, honest and accountable government.
- Protecting our civil rights and liberties.
Our Democratic & Liberal lead offerings include:
- America’s Voice – Middle Class Donors
- America’s Voice – Active Young Democratic Donors
- America’s Voice – Active Political Donors
- America’s Voice – Registered Democratic Voters
- America’s Voice – Social Security Reform Donors
- American’s Supporting Domestic Job Creation
- High Dollar Democratic Donors
- America’s Voice – African American Registered Voters
- America’s Voice – Education Reform Donors
- America’s Voice – Healthcare Reform Donors
- Environmental Activist Donors
- Civil Liberties Projection Donors
- Liberal Media Advocates
- The Democratic Base
- Ultra Liberal Political Donors
- America’s Voice – Donors to Patriotic Organizations
- Champions of Healthcare Reform Donors
- America’s Voice – Pro Choice Donors
- American Donors for Alternative Fuel Sources
- American Donors Concerned With Poverty
- American Donors for Budget Reform
- Tax Reform Appeal Advocates
- America’s Voice – Democratic Donors
- Champions of the Environmental Cause Donors
Contact Political Fundraising Lists today to benefit from our extensive database of democratic leads!